Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Tonight I had the privilege of being Eileigh's first bite victim. I'm just thankful I didn't drop her, since that was my initial instinctive response. She'd been clingy since it was getting close to (early) bedtime and I was holding her on my hip while wiping off the dining room table after dinner. All of a sudden I felt a searing, blinding pain to my shoulder and I screamed this very sissy, very high-pitched scream that would definitely stop an attacker in their tracks. (And in fact, did). I managed to squelch my initial reaction to FLING the cause of my suffering to the floor (this would be Eileigh) and instead set her down quickly. I don't know if it was my scream or being put down that had Eileigh in tears right along with me but I think she grasped the concept that biting is NOT okay. I had been somewhat surprised that up to this point she had never bitten anyone since she's always seemed to enjoy chewing on and biting toys, the bottle (and prior to the bottle: me- but that was before she had teeth, thankfully). I am REALLY hoping that this was an isolated, one-time event that was traumatic enough for her to not attempt again!! Or if she decides to, maybe it can be a light nibble on someone else's shoulder....


The Cantrall's said...

That pain can literally drop you to your feet. Hopefully she learned her lesson...

Mindi said...

Bad Eileigh! Next time make it be Uncle Jeff or something... :)

Love, Burkhart & Tschiegg said...

Eiger the biter! I'm okay with sacrificing Jeff in return for our safety. :)